Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back on the Bike

Ok, Today I weighed myself and I was 225... Holy shit... That so gross... Ok so I got back on my bike a peddled for 40 minutes but my real problem is food. My girl friend asked to if I wanted to try Isogenics but the cost is huge..Another lady from town is doing another protein shake diet and has done fantastic lost 30 or so pounds but its about $100 a week.. holy shit.... But she has mea results... what to do.. Half of me knows that the shakes are short term, but the other is screaming look is work so fast and you don't really even have to do much. An something with little effort sounds great, considering I have three kids and in school full time.... Hummm.. I am thinking about weight watcher again too.... we shall see... I would like to give the shakes a go for a couple of weeks and then go from there... Hummm... but no worries as I have no money to spend right now anyway.... oh well, we shall see...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I blow.....

With school and life in general I have pretty much given up... I feel fat a gross and need some help getting active.. Everytime I get anytime to myself I just want to sit on my ass and do nothing. I feel like a lazy blob and with summer around the corner, oh god.... I need some suggestions... something that will get me going and something that i will be able to keep up with school three kids and well life.... I hate that my summer close do not fit and will ot fit....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Still Suck

Well yup I still suck.. I am eating pretty much anything I want when I want... The last few day again I am concerned about what I am eating and how to avoid bad items... But with school kids and hubby eating candy like there is no tomorrow.... It feels hopeless.. In the back of my mind I think maybe a stomach staple... that would work, that would be fast right.. But not really an option as I am poor and well I think the consequences later in life may not be worth it... I just want to feel full or satififed after a smaller meal... and its just not happening... So Now I am back to thinking and planning... Ahhhhh

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ok I suck....

So yet again, I blow.. I have done nothing to eat better or exercise more.. I am still paying hockey ever wed but that is it.. and this weekend we eat so many donuts.... Must et myself in order... This sucks... why is it so hard????????

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Off the wagon

I am of the wagon, I am exercising at least once a week but I don't feel any skinner and that could be because, I am eating everything in sight... Oh well... this blog is helping me. Not only that I saw another mother at hocket who is losing weight and it makes me want to do better.... So I think I need some support with my eating habits.... I need to look around...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Though I was making it...

Ok got back on the scale this morning and I am 220... WTF... ok, well I am going to say that I don't care what the number is but inside my mind I will not forget. I really should just throw my scale out but, it makes me feel like I am on the right track every once in a while... NOT right now... But I again am going to say I don't care.. I am exercising at least evey other day for 45 min. I just bought a bike, so I am hoping that will help and I can increase my time.. For me It diet.... I need to find a way to feel ful and curb my sweet cravings.. I think I may need help... Maybe it would do me well to look at weight watchers, but I am so picky about food its hard... Bugger.. So today I am fell blah.. Ging to ride my bike now....

Friday, January 21, 2011

I am making it..... So far...

Ok well I am making it so far, I have no idea how many days I am into this new deal, but this moring I got on the scale and I an 216. So happy, major happy.. It working.. Today I am running out to go and get a bike for the basement and then the husband and I can work out together...

Stay tuned...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

On a role...

I am on a roll, I have it the tred mill now three days in a row, today will be four.. My legs hurt but my body feel great, I finally feel like I am doing something for myself... I feel like I deserve time for me too. So whener ever I can I sneak down for 40 min. On thurs and friday I did 40 min saturday I did 45 min.... I feel great.. I stepped on the tred mill after my last run /jog /walk wahtever it is that I am going and was 222... Not good...But I don't care because I feel like a million bucks.... Sore but still like a million bucks... Stay tuned...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I did it..... Yeah

Today I meet my tredmill again... Thank god... I feel so much better, I have been so tired and lazy lately and I fell like I have jumped a hurtle... and you know what it was not bad at all.. I had to start off slow because well I am huge but I am hoping to make this a repeat experience. Other than children fighting and trying to kill each other while I was exercising, it was great.... Maybe it time for me now.... Hummm... wouldn't that be nice...

I just started back to school and life is going to get crazy so my fingers are crossed that I can make some time for myself too... Lets hope..

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions or tasks with low-priority actions, and thus putting of important tasks to a later time.

Word for the day... lets get serious, its the word for my life. If I am plain and simple not in the mood and feel like I don't have what I need to do something I will plain just not do it... Yup thats me.... So I feel and look gross but just can't bit the bullet to get going with exercise... I don't even hate it.. In fact I like it, but with so many other obligations such as kids, school and well life I can't seem to make any time for myself. All I want to do when I am home alone and I have a few minutes for myself is just lay down and sleep or read. I feel like I never get to do anything for myself. I suppose you can say that I go to school and that is for me, but really it is for my family. I am doing it so I can get a better job that will also allow me to have summer off with my kids. And truthfully is someone offered me a job right now I would probably take it.. I am so done with juggling everything, but the truth of the matter is that if I work full time we make even less money because I pay havlf of what I am making to day care.. And truefully I dont want my kids in daycare all day... Emma will be in school beginning in september and that should help things out a little bit.

God its so hard to get going and get organized... I feel like I am being pulled in a million directionsa.. I have a studpid little gas station job that help us pay for a few thing but really its $10 and hour.. Is it really worth it? We have grown to rely on the extra money it gives us...

Ok so I think you have heard most of my excuses, now I just need to overcome them.... good luck to me.... In the back of my mind I am thinking I am waiting to get the exercise bike before I start but that is stupid... Plain and simple I feel like I need a little break from life right now.. I want to do some things for me, like start swimming again and going to the gym but how do I do that and juggle the kids??? Question for the day!

Stay tuned