Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day...

Ok well we are off to a grand start... I ate two peices of rasberry pie.. Yum, my husband has been at the table all day building halo warriors, or something like that with my son.. I think chris might very well be having more fun than Will... Anyway I did manage to get all of my christmas decorations down and my house feel so nice... well my living room anyway.... Stay tuned.... I will post pics tonight of my big butt....


What is Flab Gab?

Ok so, I have been meaning to do this for some time... I have set up this blog to track and talk about my intention of losing some weight. Now I say intention because, well we have all been there and now that A it's hard because you just are so buys and plain just want to eat what you want to eat. But the problem is, as busy as I am I am now 220 pound.... Not exactly 218 but close enought.. My husband weighed himself yesterday at a christmas party at my brothers and he is 222.... So its time to act.. Get busy....

So here are some fun details about my life.... Mother of three, full time student... Currently at UOIT but moving on to Athabasca so I can be home with the kids more and maybe have some more time to exercise. I am completing a B.COMM and the hopefully moving on to a B.ED.. I want to be a teacher.... I think I will be good at it but truthfully I have been out of the workforce for such a long time now that I am afarid of working completely. Anyway.. I am a part time photographer as well.. I have a little business set up and mostly do family pic and wedding and children. I have been published in a mag once, but I am stil learning and feel like an imposter in the photography world...People like my stuff but I am always nervous and worried about the out come of my pictures...I feel like I have so much to learn still..

ok but back to the point I am 218lb and that is plain not good... I am 32 and only 5'4.. I used to swim but we live in the middle of nowhere and the nearest pool is 30 min away.. but maybe this blog will help me try to do more for myself... ok.. so tonight I am starting but have my husband take a picture of me in my underware and bra.. That should be encouragement enough. I have a tred mill in the basement and I am hoping to buy a bike... I also have an ellipitcal trainer whihc I need to find the porwer outlet for and then get it in the base ment as well... Lots to do..

Eating... well this is a problem for me... I dont like vegies and neither do my family... I am very picky and don't like alot of things.... BAD I know... I am ready to try and learn... I am thinking I may need some support through this and would like to maybe join weigh watcher but I don't have a ton of extra money because I am paying for school as well... I will have to figure this out....

Stay tuned I will post again tonight.... I am hoping a bunch of us ladies can get together and work through this together.... Let just see.....